Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm Back...

So, I'm sitting in the living room of my new apartment, trying to work on lesson plans for my new job teaching at Brookdale, and watching a show about the upcoming Rutgers Football Team. It's amazing to me how much interest there is in Rutgers now that we've had a winning season. New York has claimed Rutgers as "their" college team. Whatever. The first game is next week. I've heard the whole season is sold out already. We'll see. Maybe I'll get to one...homecoming or something.

So yeah. Where am I now. Ash & I moved to Plainsboro in June, though if you know me well enough to actually read this, you probably knew that already. Maybe some stuff not everyone knows yet.... We have a cat. Her name is Pi. She has two different colored eyes, purrs at the slightest touch, and will do absolutely anything to get brushed. I have a job for the upcoming semester, being a part-time professor at Brookdale. I'm teaching the two lowest math classes they offer - 011 & 012, but I'm still kind of excited about it. I'm kind of taking it as a second student teaching turn.... Extra time to figure out if teaching full time is really my thing or not. I also have an interview for another adjunct position next week. Depending on how that goes, that might be it for a few months. Oh, and some occasional subbing for extra cash. That'll be more than enough work. I'm still slated to make an appearance as the Tech Director for Matawan next spring. Not quite what I was promised, but I knew he wouldn't really give me both positions. Promised them last year too; didn't get them then either. No reason this year should be any different really.

Well, I think that's good for a little welcome back update thing. I'm def going to try to keep up, but we'll see how it goes.

Night all.

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